Monday, October 13, 2014


An inclined surface provides access between two different levels. It is named differently depending on how steep is its surface.

Building regulations (more or less) state:
  • It is assumed that an inclined surface with gradient of 1:60 (or 1deg) or less steep is level (or rather flat);
  • It is assumed that an inclined surface with gradient steeper than 1:60 (or 1deg) but less steeper than 1:20 (or 1.6deg) is gently sloping;
  • It is assumed that an inclined surface with gradient steeper than 1:20 (or 1.6deg) but less steeper than 1:12 (or 2.8deg) is a ramp;
  • It is assumed that an inclined surface with gradient steeper of 1:12 (or 2.8deg) is too steep (or rather steep ramp) and should be avoided. In these cases stairs are desirable. 
Please thank Mr D. Tail that kindly made himself available for a practical demonstration.

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